
Halswell Scout Group is proudly located in the Halswell suburb of Otautahi Christchurch.

Our World famous in South-West Christchurch Fertiliser Drive has now concluded for 2024. Our sincere thanks, once again to the community and residents of South-West Christchurch for your valued support

Founded in 1955, the Halswell Scout Group has now been running for nearly 70 years and is one of the largest Scout Groups in Aotearoa New Zealand, with over 140 youth plus leaders. We have multiple opportunities for the youth of Otautahi-Christchurch to get involved, and we also encourage parents to help out, either as leaders, or as parent/adult helpers, either on section nights, at camps and expeditions, or in a supporting role, on our committee.

Dear Parents; as of July 2024, most of our sections are at or near capacity. If you would like your child to join us, please feel free to reach out to us but be aware that we may have to put you on our waiting list:

Tuesday Night (Rimu): At Capacity – Waiting List.
Wednesday Night (Rata): At Capacity – Waiting List.

Monday Night (P?pango was Black Plume): At Capacity – Waiting List.
Tuesday Night (Kotare): At Capacity – Waiting List.
Thursday Night (Riro Riro): At Capacity – Waiting List.

Monday Night (Pioneer): At Capacity – Waiting List.
Tuesday Night (Explorer): OK.
Thursday Night (Te Aorangi): Near Capacity.

Wednesday Night (Awa Roa): Near Capacity.

Due to higher than expected demand we are excited to announce that in T1 of 2025, we will be starting a new Kea section. Manuka will run on Monday evenings from 5:15pm to 6:15pm, during the school term. At the same time, we plan to move Wednesday night’s Rata Keas to Thursday nights. This will allow for greater flow on and allow easier linking between our Kea, Cub, and Scout Sections. Existing Keas and families are being advised of our plans and are being given an option to either age out, and move to cubs, or stay where they are, or to choose one of the other nights, if that will work better for them.

Group Camp
Group Camp at Mt Hutt Retreat

Our goal is to have fun while doing some really cool activities and adventures, learning and growing in ourselves, and earning plenty of cool badges and awards along the way.

Visiting a Fire Station
Halswell Cubs visit the Wigram Fire Station

Scouting at Halswell is split into four different section levels and offers scouting experiences and knowledge to all youth aged 5 to 18, with each section level running age appropriate programmes across multiple nights during the school term. There are also Rover Crews located around the city for those aged 18-26.


Keas. For youth members aged 5-8 years

Cubs. For youth members aged 8-11 years

Scouts. For youth members aged 11-14 years

Venturers. For youth members aged 14-18 years

Rovers. For youth members aged 18-26

At Halswell we are also privileged to be the owners of a mobile kitchen trailer, providing the benefits of a kitchen no matter the location. We offer the benefits of our kitchen trailer to all our youth, as well as to the local and wider community.

Our den, with its main hall, smaller meeting or breakout room and fully equipped kitchen is also available for hire for a range of group activities and events, such as childrens’ birthday parties and community groups

Mud Mud Glorious Mud

Camp Fire’s Burning, Camp Fire’s Burning, Draw Nearer

Earning our Cycling Badge

Water Slide Day!

Learning About Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)

DIY Shelters (Bivouacs) using Tarpaulins, Wooden Poles and Ropes